You’ll NEVER be Successful in Business without these…

It has nothing to do with your idea, your resources or your skills.

Your business plan is worthless without the correct answer to three vital questions.


The answer to these three questions will determine your entrepreneurial success.

You have ZERO chance of success if you don’t have the correct answers.

Not even the best mentor can help you with these.

These are so hidden in people’s lives that MOST are not aware they will steal their future.

So, what types of advice would be helpful to success in a business?

Answer these three questions:

  • Who “owns” your agenda?
  • Who “owns” your attention?
  • Who “owns” your priorities?

As an entrepreneur, if you don’t own your agenda, you won’t deliver. If you don’t execute your project, you won’t deliver value. If you don’t deliver, you WON’T get paid!

As an entrepreneur, if you don’t own your attention, you won’t deliver. Are you distracted? Is social media stealing your time? If you don’t deliver, you WON’T get paid!

As an entrepreneur, if you don’t own your priorities, you won’t deliver. If you don’t act on your priorities, you will never get your business off the ground. If you don’t deliver, you WON’T get paid!

Photo: Ben White / Unsplash

As an entrepreneur, you will never have a “boss” telling you what to do or when to do it. Your discipline is CRITICAL to and for accomplishing anything.

Time is the raw material for getting anything done in life. As an entrepreneur, you ONLY get paid for results.


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