Should I Focus on Growing a Business or Build Multiple Businesses at a Time?

“Come here Hector!” my grandfather called me as we walked around his ranch. “Every time I see this I’m astonished!”

“What grandpa?”


“Look at this drop of water, hitting over the stone.” he insisted.

“What about it Grandpa?

“Look how tiny and delicate each drop is,” he indicated as drops accumulated in his hand. “There’s a big lesson on each of these drops!”

I stared at him, thinking, “okay old man… whats the point?”

He continued, “These drops of water remind me about everything that I accomplished during my life. Everything that I ever achieved was because of focus and persistence. See that rock bellow receiving each drop?”

“Yes?” I answered.

“It’s remarkable that such a tiny and delicate drop of water can beat down that tough stone. Over time these tiny drops of water have worn and sculpted this tough rock.”

To answer your question:

Dripping water sculpts stones — NOT through force, but through focused, constant, relentless persistence.

Target and FOCUS your daily actions!

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