Angry Wife Cuts Off Husband’s Pen!s For Moaning Another Woman’s Name During S3X

A 55-year-old wife has cut off her husband’s penis for allegedly moaning another woman’s name during s3x in Baguio City, Philippines.

Naija News learnt that the couple were making love at their home last week when the husband allegedly moaned another woman’s name.

His furious wife waited for him to fall asleep before grabbing a 10-inch long knife from the kitchen and chopping off his penis.


According to mail online, neighbours rushed to the screaming man’s aid and took him to the hospital.

It was reported that doctors had tried re-attaching the phallus but were unsuccessful.

Confirming the incident, a spokesman for the Baguio City Police Station said the woman had been arrested on suspicions of mutilation, stating that she committed the act due to jealousy.

Police said she will be charged with mutilation. In the Philippines, the offence carries a penalty of 12 to 40 years in prison.

The police said, “Allegedly, the reason was jealousy because the wife claimed her husband was a womaniser. Officers have recovered the bloody knife and the severed penis from the scene.”

Admitting to the crime, the wife said that she had been trying to charge the man with adultery but lacked the evidence to do so.

She said, “My husband was saying his mistress’s name, not mine. I was influenced by alcohol, but I knew what I was doing.

“He knows that he is also at fault. He shouldn’t try to deny it, he shouldn’t try to lie that hasn’t done anything wrong. It’s so obvious, because I see it.”

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